LABEL command


LABEL generates label information for the selected points, lines, arcs, and circles in the active part. This label information consists of texts next to the selected elements, and new info attached to the elements. Old info, even if produced by the LABEL command, is left undisturbed.

The info produced by the LABEL command is normally used by the NC macros Act, Compact, and Ncgl, though it is available, through MI, for other postprocessors too.

See also



LAST_POSTFIX allows you to use the last postfix as current postfix.

See also

LAST_PREFIX function


LAST_PREFIX allows you to use the last prefix as current prefix.

See also



The result table of the last query is shown, however no new query is done on the database. So the shown values are really only the results of the query done in the past and may have changed meanwhile through other users.

See also

LAST_SUBFIX function


LAST_SUBFIX allows you to use the last subfix as current subfix.

See also



LAST_SUPERFIX allows you to use the last superfix as current superfix.

See also

Last_table macro

The result table of the last classification query is shown, however no new query is done on the database. So the shown values are really only the results of the query done in the past and may have changed meanwhile through other users.

See also



Copies the last tolerance to the current tolerance.

See also

LAST_WINDOW function


LAST_WINDOW restores the previous window of the current viewport. See also STORE_WINDOW and RECALL_WINDOW.

See also


                   |            |    |                 |
                   +--|number|--+    +--(DOT_TYPE)-----+
                                     |                 |
                                     |                 |
                                     |                 |
                                     |                 |

LEADER_ARROW specifies the termination used for new leader lines. The optional number specifies the arrow size. The default is ARROW_TYPE, size 3.5 mm.

See also


                 |          +----------------------------------+        |
                 |          |                                  |        |
                                |         |         |        |
                                +-(BREAK)-+         +-(UNDO)-+

LEADER_LINE creates a leader line. You specify a begin point, then one or more vertices of the line, terminated by END. The end point is given the arrow specified by LEADER_ARROW.

UNDO removes the most recent line segment. BREAK specifies that the next segment is to be invisible.

See also

LEN string ===> number
LEN point ===> number
LEN point_3d ===> number

Returns the length of a string or the length of the vector from the origin to the argument point.

See also

LET function

---->(LET)---->|macro_name|---->|token or expression|---->

LET (re)defines a macro. See NAME for a description of permissible macro names. If an expression is given instead of a simple token, the expression will be evaluated and the resulting token will be assigned to the macro.

Examples LET A 2 set the value of A to 2 LET B (A + A * 3) set the value of B to (A+A*3). that parentheses are required whenever an expression is used as a token.

See also

LG number ===> number

Returns the decimal logarithm (base 10) of its argument.

See also



LICENSE_CHECK_TIME defines how often the client will check the licenses' existence/availability. This frequency can be set to any number between 1 and 15 minutes.

The license check time applies for all licenses. It is not possible to set different license check times for different modules.

See also



The LICENSE_HOLD_TIME function sets the number of minutes a license server will hold a license locked if the licensed client does not check licenses in that time.

Hold times can be between 20 and 255 minutes. The license hold time applies for all licenses on that client. It is not possible to set different license hold times for different modules.

See also



The LICENSE_SERVER function sends all license requests to the License Server workstation.

The LICENSE_SERVER function specifies the hostname of the workstation running the License Server program. This function must appear in the passwords file on your workstation.

The License Server workstation has a configuration file named /etc/MEls.conf (MEls.conf in case of MS Windows), which contains codeword certificate numbers, passwords, and allowable hostnames for each certificate. When you start the License Server, it reads the /etc/MEls.conf (MEls.conf in case of MS Windows) file and is ready to answer license requests from different authorized ME10 hosts for different products. The information regarding valid hosts and products is available in the MEls.conf file.

When you start ME10 it looks first in the passwords file for the hostname of the License Server workstation. It then contacts the License Server. If a license is available and if your hostname is allowed to access this license, a license is granted.

If multiple license servers are specified each of the servers is checked for getting a license for each of the modules.

The hostname of the License Server workstation may be expressed as the alphanumeric name that appears in the /etc/hosts file on the client workstation, or as the network IP address (in dot notation).

For example, the following line could appear in the passwords file on a workstation, indicating that the License Server workstation is at IP address


Multiple License Servers can be specified either by a single function call with a space, comma or semicolon separated IP addresses or host names, or by multiple function calls with a single host address or name as a parameter. For example:

  LICENSE_SERVER 'host1 host2 host3'
  LICENSE_SERVER 'host1,host2,host3'
  LICENSE_SERVER 'host1;host2;host3'


See also

LINE command

           |                 ,--------------------------------,       |
           v                 v                                |       |
-->(LINE)--+-->(TWO_PTS)-----+-->|begin point|-->|end point|--+-------+-->
           |                    ^                                     ^
           +--------------------'                                     |
           |                                                          |
           |                 ,-------------------------------------,  |
           |                 v                                     |  |
           |-->(HORIZONTAL)--+-|begin point|----+--|end point|---+-+->|
           |                                    |                |    |
           |                                    +---|distance|---+    |
           |                 ,-------------------------------------,  |
           |                 v                                     |  |
           |-->(VERTICAL)----+-|begin point|----+--|end point|---+-+->|
           |                                    |                |    |
           |                                    +---|distance|---+    |
           |                                                          |
           |                                                          |
           |              ,----------------<------------------,       |
           |              | ,--<-----,                        |       |
           |              | |        |                        |       |
           |              |                                       |   |
           |              |                         +---<-----+   |   |
           |              |                         |         |   |   |
           |              '-----------------|elem|--+->|pnt|--+---'   |
           |                                                          |
           |                                                          |
           |                   ,---------------------------------,    |
           |                   v                                 |    |
           |                                      |            ^      |
           |                                      +-+-|pnt2|-+-'      |
           |                                        |        ^        |
           |                                        '|length|'        |
           |                                                          |
           |                              ,------------,              |
           |                              v            |              |
           |-->(POLYGON)-->|start point|--+-->|point|--+------------->|
           |                                                          |
           |                  ,------------<-----------,              |
           |                  v                        |              |
           |-->(RECTANGLE)----+->|point 1|-->|point 2|-+------------->|
           |                                                          |
           |                   ,------------<-------------,           |
           |                   |                          |           |
           |-->(TAN_PT)--------+-->|apptan pnt|-->|point|-+---------->|
           |                                                          |
           |                ,---------------<---------------,         |
           |                v                               |         |
           |-->(TAN2)-------+->|apptan pnt|-->|apptan pnt|--+-------->|
           |                                                          |
           |                              +-----------<------------,  |
           |                              v                        |  |
           +-->(PT_ANG_DIST)--->|beg pnt|-+-|angle|--+--+-|length|-+--+
           |                              |          |  |          |  |
           |                              '-|point|--'  '-|point|--'  |
           |                                                          |

LINE creates lines.

TWO_PTS creates a line with the given begin and end points.

HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL create horizontal and vertical lines with the given begin and end points; the end point is projected accordingly. Instead of an end point, you can enter a length.

PARALLEL creates lines parallel to a given line. There are two ways to use this option. With method 1, you identify the element to which the new lines should be parallel, then you indicate points through which the new lines should go. With method 2, you enter distances, then identify an element, then indicate which side of the element is to be the positive one. The distances are all measured from the existing element.

PERPENDICULAR creates a line from the given pnt1 to the identified element, perpendicular to this element. If pnt1 is on the element, the end of the line must be specified either by pnt2 or a length.

RECTANGLE makes a rectangle parallel to the axes of the current input coordinate system. The two input points are opposite corners of the rectangle. The rectangle is really just four independent lines.

POLYGON creates a sequence of connected lines with the given end points. POLYGON is only an input aid; the lines created are independent.

TAN_PT creates a line tangential to the selected element, from that element to the given point. The approximate tangent point is used both to identify the element and to determine which tangent is desired. The element may be a c_circle, circle, arc, or fillet.

TAN2 makes a line tangent to two curved elements. Again, the approximate tan- gent points determine which tangent solution is used.

PT_ANG_DIST creates a line from the given start point, at the given angle with respect to the X axis, and with the given length. The angle or the length may be specified with points.

The ASSIST qualifier switches on user assistance (COPILOT command). Additional graphical feedback and creation methods are then available. See the COPILOT command for more information.

See also

LINE SLOPE screen menu item

The LINE SLOPE menu button displays a menu of commands for adding and deleting orientation types to the current dimension selection filter.


    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |
    |                                                  |

With the eight standard pattern functions listed above you can specify the current linetype for the components that are to be created with the current active command (LINE C_LINE HATCH).

The standard patterns are represented in a visible form with characters '0' and '1':

  SOLID             : '11111111111111111111111111111111'
  DASHED            : '11111111000000001111111100000000'
  LONG_DASHED       : '11111111111000001111111111100000'
  DOT_CENTER        : '11111111111110101111111111111010'
  DASH_CENTER       : '11111111111101101111111111110110'
  PHANTOM           : '11111111111010101111111111101010'
  CENTER_DASH_DASH  : '11111111110101101111111111010110'
  DOTTED            : '10101010101010101010101010101010'

The linetype also affects the way point elements (from POINT) are drawn. To see the possibilities, change the linetype and watch the status line.

You cannot redefine the standard patterns or define new linepatterns.

See also

LINESIZE function


LINESIZE specifies the current linesize for all new geometry except construction geometry and POINT symbols. By default, the current linesize is 0.

The linesize of geometry will be scaled when the geometry is scaled or look scaled when the part or drawing to which the geometry belongs are scaled. The linesize attribute is therefore called "scale variant" (value itself or display).

The functions SCREEN_TRANSFORMATION and PLOT_TRANSFORMATION have no impact on geometry with a linesize.

Linesize and pensize (see PENSIZE function) are alternative values: geometry can either have a pensize or a linesize but it can never have both.

See also

LINESIZE screen menu item

The LINE SIZE menu button displays a menu of commands for adding and deleting linesize types to the current dimension selection filter.

LINETYPE screen menu item

The LINETYPE menu button displays a menu of commands for adding and deleting line types to the current dimension selection filter.

See also

LINETYPE function (OLD)

               |                        |
               |                        |
               |                        |
               |                        |
               |                        |
               |                        |
               |                        |

LINETYPE specifies the current linetype, which is used for all new elements except hatches (see HATCH_LINETYPE) and construction geometry (see C_LINETYPE).

The linetype also affects the way point elements (from POINT) are drawn. To see the possibilities, change the linetype and watch the status line.

Use LINE |linepattern functions| END for new macros.

See also

LINE_GRID function

               |                                |
               v                                |
-->(LINE_GRID)-+->|point to identify viewport|--+-->+-->(ON)---,
               |                                ^   |          |
               +->(ALL)-------------------------+   '-->(OFF)--+-->
               |                                |
               |                                |
               |                                |

LINE_GRID turns the line grid on or off. The meaning of the options is the same as in DOT_GRID. If the DOT_GRID is active in the specified viewport(s) , it is turned off.

The location of the grid lines is determined by the input coordinate system, set by the commands beginning with "CS_", and the grid spacing, set by GRID_FACTOR. You can catch to intersections of the grid lines if the catch mode is ALL or GRID, see CATCH for more information. It is not possible to catch to a grid line otherwise, or to an intersection between a grid line and an element.

The drawing of the grid is suppressed in viewports where there are too many grid points.

See also

LIST_FONTS function

---->(LIST_FONTS)-->|output spec|-->

LIST_FONTS outputs the list of all fonts defined and all fonts used to the specified destination. It also gives the name of the current font. Editing the list has no effect.

See also



LIST_GLOBAL_INFO lists all info used by all elements in memory. Editing the list has no effect. The current info is present only if it has already been assigned to some element.

See also



LIST_MACRO_NAMES outputs the names of all currently defined macros to the specified destination. Secured macros are indicated by an asterisk (*).

See also

LN number ===> number

Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of its argument.

See also

LOAD command

                                                            |                      |
            |                               |               |                      |
            +--------->(SUBPART)------------+               `-->|location point|-->'
            |                               |
            |                               |
            |                               |

LOAD loads a part from the named file into memory. The file must have been created with STORE, or it must be a DXF/IGES file.

SUBPART means that the new part is to be a subpart of the active part. Otherwise, LOAD automatically chooses one of the following options:

Except in the first case, you must specify where the new part is to be positioned geometrically. You do this by either specifying ABSOLUTE, which puts the new part at the same location it was at when you stored it, or by indicating a location point. If you indicate a location point, the part reference point (see CHANGE_PART_REF_PT) is placed there.

If you load a part directly into the top part, the drawing scale is taken from the current drawing scale of the top part. This means that the part being loaded adapts to the current drawing scale. If you enter KEEP_SCALE, you prevent the part adapting to the current drawing scale and tell it to keep the drawing scale it was stored with.

Entering CHECK_2D checks the drawing for non-valid elements (lines) during the load process. If you enter CHECK_2D, non-valid elements are automatically deleted. If you do not enter CHECK_2D, non-valid elements are loaded.

Entering CHECK_2D_RETAIN_DEPENDENCY option deletes the invalid elements, in the drawing during the load process. If the invalid lines have any associated elements like dimensions, RTL's and contours, they are automatically transferred to a neighbouring valid element if possible. Alternatively if the transfer is not possible for some associated elements, these elements are highlighted ( with rest of the elments shown in CYAN ), and are deleted after user confirmation.

The file format description of the loaded file is written into the system inquiry array (see INQ) and you can get it using INQ 301. For binary files you will get a string such as "BINARY 16".

PIXMAP loading:

If the top part is not empty pixmaps loaded as subpart will move to the top part. The z_level of the pixmaps read from the file will be changed to the next higher number in the pixmap list.

Following files can be loaded as pixmaps:

DXF/IGES file loading:

To load DXF files either enter the absolute path of the file in the command line or set the absolute path of the file in the DXF.con file and enter only the file name in the command line.

File names should be entered with suffixes as defined in the configuration file for DXF.

To use LOAD with 'workfile' option, the dxf suffix in DXF.con should be empty.

See also

LOAD screen menu item

The LOAD button allow you to load more tables. They will be added and the entries will be sorted.

LOAD_FONT command

---->(LOAD_FONT)---->|file name|---->

LOAD_FONT loads all text fonts stored in the named file into memory. The file must be the output of an earlier STORE_FONT.

See also

LOAD_HPGL command

---->(LOAD_HPGL)---->|file name|---->

LOAD_HPGL loads HPGL plot drawing from the named file and converts it into an MI drawing elements.

The file should contain only the base HPGL commands:

All others are unsupported; they are skipped during the loading.


Loaded drawing is placed into current part.
Plot length unit is 0.025 mm.

See also

LOAD_MACRO function


LOAD_MACRO loads all macros stored in the named file into memory.

The file must be the output of an earlier STORE_MACRO. If a macro was secured with SECURE_MACRO before it was stored, it will not be visible after loading, although it will be fully operational.

See also



The LOAD_MODULE command activates the specified application module.

See also

Logfile List To Delete menu

All logfiles in the specified logfile directory that have the specified user ID are listed. If you previously entered '' for the logfile user ID, MEPlot displays all logfiles in the directory. The logfile you have just reviewed will be automatically highlighted. To delete a logfile, highlight it and select one of the delete options.

Logfile List To Review menu

You can review the logfiles in detail or only the errors that are generated.

All logfiles in the specified logfile directory that have the specified user ID are listed. If you previously entered '' for the logfile user ID, MEPlot displays all logfiles in the directory. To view a logfile, highlight the appropriate field. To leave the logfile press escape.

LOOP ... EXIT_IF ... END_LOOP construct

              |                                       |
              |                                       |
              |                                       |

This construct defines a loop that is repeated until the boolean expression in an EXIT_IF clause evaluates to be logical true (evaluates to a non-zero value). Any number of EXIT_IF clauses may be placed within the construct to escape from the loop. The only restriction upon the placement of the EXIT_IF clauses is that they must not be part of any other construct which is nested within the LOOP ... END_LOOP construct.



LOWER_WINDOW causes the ME Series window to be lowered to the bottom of the stack of windows.

See also

LTAB_COLUMNS arithmetic function


LTAB_COLUMNS responds with the number of columns in the named logical table.

See also

LTAB_ROWS arithmetic function


LTAB_ROWS responds with the number of rows in the named logical table.

See also

LTAB_TITLES arithmetic function


LTAB_TITLES responds with the number of title strings in the named logical table.

See also

LWC string ===> string

Returns a string formed by replacing any uppercase characters with their corresponding lowercase character.

See also